How contextualization is transforming online shopping

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Key takeaways

Unlock the ability to create relevant experiences for unknown and anonymous shoppers
Drive customer loyalty and conversion through personalized touchpoints
Propel your brand towards greater success and foster deeper customer relationships
  • Summary

    Up to 98% of a site’s shoppers are anonymous, and as third-party cookies continue their path to deprecation, personalization that relies heavily on PII and rules-based segmentation is increasingly unable to deliver the relevant digital experiences that shoppers are seeking.

    In this insightful 30-minute walkthrough, we take a deep dive into the many ways that you can utilize industry-changing AI technology to drive e-commerce conversions and revenue. By using machine learning, instead of relying on personally identifiable information (PII), you now have the power to revolutionize your e-commerce personalization strategies and curate engaging, contextualized experiences for every shopper.

  • Q&A

    How does Bazaarvoice make sure that contextualization messages align with each brand?

    First, we take the brand guidelines and match the look, feel, and tone. We then work with the brand to review and approve the contextualization experience, making sure that it's on target for what they are trying to accomplish and is an extension of their existing experience.

    Do the contextualization results continue to improve over time?

    Right out of the gate, you're going to see results since we have analyzed a lot of shoppers, and then as we learn the nuances of your website, we're going to get better and better at being accurate with the the messages, the right moment, and lift will go up. We're also always adding new capabilities, so as we introduce new things, they get added into the "brain" (the engine that ingests and analyzes hundreds of behavioral data points per second) which gives us another tool in the toolkit that ultimately continues to drive lift higher and higher over time.