
Through advanced natural language processing, the new Product Sentiment API analyzes product reviews and extracts key themes and sentiments. 

The Product Sentiment API identifies common topics discussed in reviews and categorizes them into easy-to-understand themes. For example, for a makeup product, it may detect themes like “Price,” “Quality,” and “Versatility.”

In addition to themes, the Product Sentiment API also classifies each review excerpt as having positive, negative, or neutral sentiment.

Through this rich theme and sentiment data, shoppers can now filter product reviews by themes they care about and go beyond just looking at star ratings to quickly get an understanding of what shoppers like and don’t like about a product.

You can also tap into the power of this data set yourself by surfacing excerpts from reviews based on sentiment that can be used for marketing purposes and uncovering product or positioning opportunities.

Clients eligible to use the Bazaarvoice API, can take advantage of the Product Sentiment API by reviewing this API documentation.