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Strategies, research, industry trends — your pulse on the marketplace

Reviews that influence purchases: How user-generated content drives sales

User Generated Content

Ever been on the fence about buying something online? A solid review likely swayed your decision—perhaps more than your loyalty to a brand or advice from family.

In-store shopping offers a sensory experience: testing throw pillows for comfort or trying on a pair of shoes to see their size. Reviews from fellow online shoppers are the closest thing to a “real-life” shopping experience. 

Shoppers simply trust content from other shoppers—more than they trust a brand’s marketing message.  

Bazaarvoice surveyed 2,400 Influenster community members who also identified as rewards program members of a large American retailer whose top-selling items include beauty products, clothing, and household essentials. Overwhelmingly, 87% of these shoppers agree that the trust for user-generated content (such as reviews, photos, and videos) surpasses branded content (such as product descriptions and imagery) on PDPs. 

Highlighting UGC builds trust and credibility, driving more confident purchases. Authentic reviews can be powerful, but which ones drive the most conversions? 

The power of photos and text 

A stunning product image taken in a sterile studio won’t convince a consumer to hit “Add to cart.” They’re looking for something more human. 

The perfect PDP prioritizes UGC. At this large American retailer, 47% of shoppers say “photos with text reviews” influence their purchasing decisions, followed by “star ratings” at 25%. 

Photos shared by real shoppers offer context for the product, providing a realistic depiction beyond the brand’s polished presentation. 75% of shoppers want to see the product in a real-life context. Think of a couch in someone’s living room rather than a heavily curated photoshoot.

Photos also serve a vetting purpose. 54% of shoppers say user-generated photos reassure them that the reviewer is real. Additionally, half of shoppers agree that photo reviews prove people are actually buying the product, adding legitimacy to their purchasing decision.

Quantity counts  

There is power in numbers. Shoppers depend on reviews for guidance, and the more evidence of past experiences, the greater influence on their purchase decisions.

Have you ever second-guessed buying a product online because it had no reviews? Many consumers (25%) won’t consider a product credible until it has 10-25 reviews, while only 11% will trust it with 1-10 reviews.

It matters how many of those reviews actually contain a photo. Ideally, most shoppers want to see 5 (19%) or 10 (19%) user-generated images before considering a product credible. 

Most shoppers prefer reviews that are 3-4 sentences (61%) or at least one sentence (24%), rather than a lengthy paragraph or one-word opinions. Similarly, user-generated videos are best when they are relatively short and to the point, ideally lasting 15-30 seconds (55%). 

Shoppers value frequency 

You may have a tried and true product that has stood the test of time. It has a proven reputation for quality and popularity among customers. Even if nothing about that product has changed, shoppers trust recent reviews more than old reviews. 

Up-to-date reviews are perceived to be more relevant. Imagine discovering a new restaurant in your neighborhood. You find it on Yelp, but it only has 3 reviews from 5 years ago. You might wonder if the food has changed or if the restaurant is still open.

Similarly, online shoppers seek reassurance from recent feedback. 73% of consumers agree that recent reviews are more reliable than old ones. 

They are less confident in reviews they perceive as outdated. 44% of customers say the sweet spot for review recency is 1-3 months, followed by 3-6 months (30%) to feel most confident in a review. 

Top ways to earn reviews    

How can your PDPs snag these coveted reviews? Let the shoppers guide you! Here’s how to get them talking: 

  • Offer incentives or discounts (81% find this effective)
  • Prompt users in your brand/retailer app (42% find this effective)
  • Send review request emails (37% find this effective) 
  • Follow up with a reminder text (29% find this effective)

Try these actions: 

  • Ask customers to feature photos of products in action 
  • Suggest reviews of 1-4 sentences 
  • Encourage reviews for products lacking feedback 
  • Encourage reviews for products with aging feedback 

Reviews wield immense influence, even surpassing advice from family and friends. 89% of shoppers consult reviews before buying, compared to 63% who seek advice from relatives.

Empower your customers to share their experiences and guide like-minded shoppers. Prioritize solid reviews on your PDPs to build trust, enhance credibility, and boost sales.

Interested in optimizing your strategy from initial consumer contact to loyalty? Watch an episode of Growth Gurus, with Christine Lee, VP of Global Retail and Bazaarvoice and Robelle Mancilla, Director of Site Merchandising and Operations at Sam’s Club.



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