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The   Bazaar   Voice
Strategies, research, industry trends — your pulse on the marketplace

Our new way to b:generous

October 1, 2020

By Frances Jordan

One of my favorite things about working at Bazaarvoice is our generosity program that has been around since the inception of our company. We strive to share, give without expectations, and connect to our communities, both those defined by borders and those defined by interests. As part of this program, we host a yearly b:generous week, which is dedicated to global volunteering efforts. Traditionally, we organize group opportunities to volunteer during this week, with no limit as to how many volunteering opportunities employees can sign up for. Of course, things will look a little different this year as we go virtual. We also have a great employee donation matching program that our employees use to make an even bigger financial impact for the non-profit organizations about which they are passionate. 

If 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that the strength and support of our community is vital – for success, for happiness, for progress. This is why we’ve decided to create a bigger impact by building a more effective b:generous program to support and strengthen the communities we care deeply about.

In order to do this, we’ve established four pillars around our b:generous program in order to target our efforts and deepen our impact. Going forward, our program will focus on one of these pillars every quarter:

Each year, we will nominate global charities aligned with these pillars for our employees to vote on to decide where we will donate our time and money.  We’ll provide opportunities for our employees to volunteer and fundraise with those organizations, as well as match their donations to them up to $500. In addition, we’ll continue our employee match program, b:generous week, and Women in STEM scholarships

We’re excited to announce these new initiatives and have a clear focus for our b:generous program to make a great, targeted impact going forward.

Frances Jordan

Frances Jordan

Engagement and Communications Manager

Read more from Frances


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