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Strategies, research, industry trends — your pulse on the marketplace

Celebrating the women of Bazaarvoice: Priya Rangaraj

March 5, 2021

By Paul Abercrombie

At Bazaarvoice, we believe we’re Stronger Together. We bring our whole selves to the mission and find values in diverse perspectives. We champion what’s best for Bazaarvoice before individuals or teams. As a stronger company we build a stronger community. Our communities need us to step up and choose to challenge – we’ve committed to advocacy and empowerment for all that ultimately results in sustainable change that will celebrate the achievements of our incredible community of women.

To celebrate and highlight some of the inspirational women here at Bazaarvoice, meet Priya Rangaraj, Executive Assistant for our Product Development Team and based in Bengalaru.

What film has inspired you most?

The best film I recently saw has to be the 2020 Oscar winning ‘Parasite.’ The movie focuses on the mayhem of a socioeconomic crisis that every government is faced with. It did a great job of highlighting human vs human for survival. It raised some very interesting points of conversation between myself and friends who had watched it. Ultimately, I think the biggest lesson I took away from watching the film is that we all need to do our part to make the world a better place to live…hopefully with peace and joy.

What was the best piece of career advice you were ever given?

The best piece of advice that I was ever given came from my mother, who told me very early on in my career that no matter what work you do, you should always be consistent. This is something I’ve tried to carry through to every role I have ever held. I have set some guidelines for myself that mean I am able to always be consistent at work. The main one is ensuring I have a consistent daily routine, which includes: learning a new topic related to my job, praying once a day and expressing my gratitude, and making sure I cook at least one meal from scratch. I also like to remind myself that if today is difficult, if I don’t stay focused and consistent then tomorrow will be even more difficult, so I try to help my future self as much as possible. 

Who are some inspirational women that you look up to?

I think the biggest challenge is work-life balance, so for me I salute every woman who is constantly beating the daily odds. Demands are high, we have to juggle our health, family life, career, societal demands – there’s a lot to tackle. To help keep on top of the daily demands, I listen to my deep guiding force within and take my cues from the outside world, such as friends and family. Most importantly though, I believe 99% of what matters is the effort we all put in. 

What gave you the drive to succeed?

Seeing the results from a task or activity performed well gives me the drive to know I can do something. I also know that I need to be in a good place physically and mentally to maintain my drive and commitment so I take health and exercise seriously. This, in turn, gives me the drive to succeed. At each phase in our life, success redefines us as it pushes us to be a better version of our former selves.


“Bazaarvoice is proud to be a supporter of International Women’s Day to celebrate women’s achievement, raise awareness against bias, and take action for equality #choosetochallenge.” – Keith Nealon, CEO, Bazaarvoice

Read more on Bazaarvoice’s commitment to equality here.

Paul Abercrombie

Paul Abercrombie

Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition

Read more from Paul


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